Newport Pagnell – Affordable Package of 77 homes

Located in Rowditch Furlong, Newport Pagnell within Milton Keynes, this site is one of the final phases of the MK northern expansion area. The site sits to the back of the Newport Pagnell services just off the M1 northbound carriageway. The vendors gave Oakwater exclusivity to find an RP partner for this site, after successfully transacting on another project with them. We were brought in at the feasibility stage and helped shape a previously drawn scheme from the original scheme which had 54 homes to deliver a scheme of 42 apartments and 35 houses. The planning approved scheme delivered 77 homes overall with the S106 requirement being for 23 affordable homes to be delivered. Oakwater sourced a Registered Provider to develop the whole site on an affordable housing basis. As part of this process the team brought in a reputable contractor to deliver the entire site as a 100% affordable housing scheme. The scheme has now completed and is fully occupied.