
Welcome to Oakwater Projects affordable housing specialists. 

About Us

Oakwater Projects are an affordable and private housing development specialist based in Cambridge and operating throughout the South East.

We are best known for procuring land & build packages for registered providers but we also offer s106 agency and a range of complimentary consultancy services.


Church End, Hilton – Affordable Package 16 homes

The site is accessed via Church End, Hilton within Huntingdonshire. The site was taken through planning by a promotor obtaining an outline consent for a rural exception site, delivering 16 homes. We obtained offers from Registered Providers to take the site on an Outline Consent. To do so we brought in a Contractor with suitable …

The Pastures- affordable package of 40 homes

The Pastures is in Lower Stondon within Central Bedfordshire. A development partner had approached us having acquired this opportunity in Lower Stondon. The Outline Consent delivers 40 homes and a new pavilion for the village. The Section 106 required that the scheme also deliver 35% affordable housing of which 73% to be Affordable Rent and …